I have been absent from my blog for sometime and I apologize to those of you who follow this blog. It really does mean a lot to me that you read my blogs when I do post. I have wanted to be a blogger for a very long time, yet I find it difficult to come up with content.
Lately, I’ve been listening to podcasts about influencers and how they found their way to become successful bloggers. What I have learned is that successful bloggers have learned from watching other successful bloggers pave the way.
In the early days, before social media platforms were ever a thing, bloggers had to figure things out on their own. What was their content going to be about? Who was their audience? How were they going to illustrate content to their audience to grab their attention? With no income at startup, there were no funds to pay for a team; a photographer, an agent. Bloggers had to use their own resources to put together attention grabbing, insightful and knowledgeable blog posts, something that their audience was really interested in reading about.
The more I thought about blogging, the more difficult it sounded. I kept hearing the word “saturated” a lot in these podcasts I was listening to. The world of bloggers and influencers is already so “saturated” that I may have even missed the train. Maybe it’s just too late to join the millions of other bloggers and actually be successful. Ironically enough, the message is that it wasn’t too late.
So where do I go from here? I have been blogging for a couple of years now, but not consistently. I think I would be more consistent if I had a laptop and could just plop myself down anywhere and start bleeding thoughts and wisdom down upon the keypad, but I don’t have one, so I have to trudge myself all the way up to my third floor home office if I want to blog. And then I feel like I’m isolating myself from my kids and I don’t want to do that. So I leave it. I put the pen down and blogging remains a distant thought.
Did you realize that it can take HOURS to post content? From start to finish, writing the blog, photographing, editing the photographs, scheduling the post, linking it to other social media platforms. It’s not a 10 minute ordeal that some may think it is. It’s a lot of work and in the end, for many (like me), there’s no reward. I do it because I am passionate about blogging. It may only be a hobby now, but I’m doing it and I enjoy it and that’s what is important.
You may have noticed that my content changes throughout the year. I enjoy blogging about coastal home decor. I love it. I wish I could blog more about it, but I feel like my audience has seen just about all of my home at this point and I am not the type of person to go out and buy new stuff just for the sake of buying new. I have to really love what I’m buying and then, that’s when I want to share.
I also enjoy blogging about gardening. From Spring till Fall, I am busy in my gardens, weeding, growing, maintaining all the beauty in our gardens. There is always something beautiful in bloom especially those long blooming showy hydrangeas. My favs!
At the end of last year, I started reviewing recipes from one of my very favourite vegan cookbooks. I enjoyed doing it, but I was finding it difficult to find some of the ingredients in grocery stores, so that went to the way-side. I do want to finish that mission. It was so fun. If you enjoyed those posts, please leave a comment down below and let me know. I never know if what I’m writing about is interesting to my audience so your comments would really be appreciated.
In the end, I know I still want to continue to blog. It’s in my veins to blog. I enjoy reading blogs and learning from others thru their blogs. I also enjoy seeing how bloggers present their content. For me, my wheels are always spinning. I want to learn. I want to be a successful blogger. So for now, I’ll just keep punching those keys on my keypad until I figure it out … or maybe I won’t. Who knows? I can only trust in fate.
With much love,
Shari xo